The Ideal Fair Giveaway
What makes a fair giveaway, a good giveaway? That's a question many companies ask themselves when it comes to deciding what to give away at a fair. Due to the large amount of possibilities, it's often hard to find a good giveaway. That's why we'd love to help you with being the star at your next fair.
Having the star giveaway at a fair is a hard goal to achieve. This is mostly because you are not the only one showering visitors with tokens to remember something by. It's therefor very import to make sure the giveaway of your choice fits your target audience. Additionally a good giveaway at fairs is usually an item that's used on an almost daily basis. The latter is important because it means your customer has more contact with your brand when using the giveaway than they have with other gifts they receive.
A good example of a giveaway that always works is the fair bag. Every fair visitor almost immediately starts looking for a bag, simply because they will be receiving gifts and information booklets all day and they need somewhere to stow them away. A big pro for giving away a bag is that after the fair these type of items will continue to be used. People go shopping with them and when they do, your brand enjoys all the extra exposure.

Another product that's good to consider is the powerbank. It might not be the most original idea, but the powerbank is a very popular gift. Almost everyone carries their mobile devices around and we simply hate it when we run out of battery, especially on long days visiting fairs. The powerbank is for that very reason a gift you should consider. Just like the fair bag, chances are that this item will also be used for a long period after the event.

If it's the case that you happen to be hosting a stand on the Holiday fair early 2018 and you're looking for something that fits the target audience, you could consider giving away a travel sleep set - consisting of an inflatable neck pillow and a sleepmask. Complete the picture by putting your logo on it and your brand will always be associated with that beautiful trip through Africa or the amazing roadtrip through the Australian Outback.
Another extremely popular fair is the Household fair, if you're exposing here you might want to look for a gift a bit closer to home. Choosing the right item here is harder than it seems, mostly because of the large amount of stands and other giveaways. A good idea for this fair are for example multifunction storage boxes. Offering you plenty of space for a logo and the option to fill it up with extra information or a nice snack, it ideally serves the purpose. Of course these boxes are very functional and above all they fit theme of the fair perfectly.
In sum, when chosing a giveaway for a fair try to keep the following things in mind: your target audience must never be forgotten and should always be considered when chosing a giveaway. Secondly, choose an item that will continue to be used after the fair. Are you completely inspired for your next fair? Then don't hesitate to contact us, we'd love to help you with the perfect fair giveaway.